Erasmus +
The European Charter for Higher Education also named ECHE allows schools situated in a country member of the Erasmus program to take part in mobility actions concerning apprenticeship and/or cooperation in innovation or good habits regarding Erasmus + program.
It is not compulsory to have one for a higher education school situated in partnership countries, as the quality standard is established by inter-institutions’ agreements between schools.
ECHE is for all Erasmus Program until 2027 with an extended validity period for projects which begin in the last year of the program (in 2027).
The charter principles were adapted to the news of the Erasmus + 2021-2027 program, regarding digitalization, inclusion and durability.

Orléans Polytech University

Bordeaux National School of Biomolecular Technology

Public school for digital health engineers in Créteil

UCLy Biotechnology Engineering School in Lyon

Denis Diderot Engineering School in Paris

ENSIC in Nancy

SupBiotech in Villejuif

ENSGSI in Nancy